Creating an inclusive recruitment process

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Inclusivity is one of the hottest subjects on the DE&I Agenda in 2024. Companies seeking...

Inclusivity is one of the hottest subjects on the DE&I Agenda in 2024. Companies seeking the best talent out there need to prioritise diversity unless they want to fall behind their competitors. 

According to a McKinsey study ‘gender and racially-diverse teams perform better than non-diverse teams.’ Also by McKinsey ‘companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were 25 percent more likely to have above-average profitability than companies in the fourth quartile.’

Inclusive recruitment ensures not only a diverse workforce but also the selection of the most qualified candidates

There are several actions which recruiters can take to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion in the hiring processes:

  1. Have an internal LGBTQ+ policy and a set strategy designed to create a more supportive environment for the LGBTQ+ groups.
  2. Use bias-free language and encourage people to use that as well on both social and traditional media. Use gender-neutral terms when possible, avoiding gendered language.
  3. Use platforms and groups which stand by the same beliefs as you and can reach a wider candidate range, including those from under-represented areas. 
  4. Offer recruitment training that raises awareness of unconscious bias and its possible impact on the business. This should be available to all hiring managers as well as recruiters. 
  5. Offer equal opportunities to every candidate throughout the recruitment process.
  6. Partner with different LGBTQ+ advocacy groups and organisations and attend events targeted at diverse talent pools.
  7. Continuously assess your internal practices and policies to identify improvement areas. Use metrics and measuring tools to assess the effectiveness of your inclusive recruitment practices. This includes seeking feedback from all the stakeholders involved in the process.
  8. Use skills-based hiring methods that remove unconscious bias and focus on candidate’s applied skills and personality fit. This includes changing the interview process to a more inclusive one (think about questions asked, the potential impact on unconscious bias, how you will score the answers).
  9. Create a welcoming LGBTQ+ environment by setting up an affinity group, educating stakeholders and having allies among your team members.

Additional strategies that enhance inclusive recruitment include:

  • Promoting Inclusive Branding & Messaging: Make sure your branding and messaging reflect your commitment to diversity and inclusion. Highlight stories of diverse employees, making it clear that your company values and supports all backgrounds.
  • Leverage Employee Referrals: Encourage your current employees to refer candidates from diverse backgrounds.
  • Adopt Flexible Working Arrangements: Flexible working arrangements such as remote work options, flexible hours, and comprehensive benefits make the company much more attractive.
  • Enhance Onboarding Processes: Make sure that your onboarding process makes new hires feel welcomed and supported from day one. Provide resources and training that emphasise your company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.
  • Foster a Culture of Continuous Learning: Encourage continuous learning and development around diversity and inclusion topics. Provide access to workshops, seminars, and resources that help employees and leaders understand and embrace inclusive practices.
  • Gather feedback from employees on a regular basis. 
  • Conduct Regular Audits: Regularly audit your recruitment processes to identify and address any barriers to inclusion. This can involve reviewing job descriptions, interview questions and hiring outcomes to ensure they align with your diversity goals.

At Ntrinsic, we pride ourselves to be an equal opportunities employer who welcomes people from all backgrounds. We acknowledge that a diverse and inclusive workplace will better our relationships and services with our clients, our candidates, our communities, and one another.

Inclusive recruitment can significantly impact the corporate environment. Prioritising LGBTQ+ inclusion will not only attract the best talent but also drive innovation, enhance employee engagement, and achieve greater financial performance.